Borders photo gallery 🛃 BORDERS 🛃 FRONTIÈRES 🛃 GRENZEN 🛃 КОРДОНИ 🛃 GRANICE 🛃 CONFINI 🛃 حدود 🛃 ROBEŽAS 🛃 مرز ها 🛃 САРҲАДҲО 🛃 SIENOS 🛃 גבולות 🛃 GRENSE 🛃 Hold your phone horizontally. 🀰 Click on a photo to enlarge it. near Gibraltarcoming home from LuxembourgCollex ↔︎ Ferney-Voltaire, frontière franco-suisseDiplomatic mission of the Kingdom of Belgium in Geneva. Principle of extraterritoriality → a state border.Coming home to the EU from Turkey. Island of Kos.Vireloup, Switzerland ↔︎ FranceEntering the EU from Belarus. Terespol border checkpoint, PolandJerusalem divided.Poland, checkpoints for lorries. Heading to the Belarusian border.Crossing at Bossy. The barrier is closed from 19:00 to 7:00. Left: France, right: Switzerland.The Golan HeightsSpain → Gibraltar2009: Croatia is not yet a EU member => border controls are carried out at full scale.Mödlareuth, ancienne frontière RDA-RFAMödlareuth, ancienne frontière RDA-RFAFrench border stone in Ferney-Voltaire. Last centimetres of France.Swiss border stone in Collex-Bossy"Little Berlin" Mödlareuth, where East didn't meet West.Leaving the European Union. A ferry to Turkey.frontière franco-suisse entre Bossy (CH) et Ornex (F)Ornex (F) — Bossy (CH)Old customs office at Prévessin-Moëns, France(West) Germany, i.e. Bavaria ↔︎ CzechiaFrom Waldsassen (FRG) to Cheb (formerly Eger) (CZ)frontière CZ-D entre Hranice u Aše et Ebmatha look to Germany from the Czech RepublicUn mur avec vue. Vers la liberté.Mödlareuth, ancienne frontière RDA-RFAnear Vianden (L)da Capodistria a TriesteGeneva Lake divided between Switzerland and FranceThe Bug river. Poland ↔︎ Belarus. Koroszczyn ↔︎ Казловiчы. Crossing for lorries only.Sauvernyfrom Brussels to Paris on E19, in 2004My tennis club on the state border.Airpоrt Cagliаri: from Non-Schengen to ItalyE25 before it gets E411.Sauverny, the "little Berlin" of the coronavirus era. Here's how it is in normal times: (F) — Bossy (CH) à l'époque du coronavirus.Lockdown + solidarity with the FrenchCross-border communication nowadaysfrom (NL) to (B) near Knokke entering N376Ici fut "le petit Berlin" yougoslave: Piazza del Transalpino, Gorizia (IT) ↔︎ Nova Gorica (SLO)Borders can be intangible: you face them without seeing.Thanks for watching!